A selection of WrestleMania intros, used throughout the course of the PPV's history. So, if you're looking to add that extra bit of build-up or hype to your WrestleMania shows, then this is a good place to start.
There are intros, for the following WrestleMania's:

  1. WrestleMania XV (15)
  2. WrestleMania 2000 (16)
  3. WrestleMania X-Seven (17)
  4. WrestleMania X8 (18)
  5. WrestleMania XIX (19)
  6. WrestleMania XX (20)
  7. WrestleMania XXXI (31)
  8. WrestleMania XXXV (35) (Correct version)
*Also included in the pack, are the same intros (without sound). This is for anyone wishing to add their own BGM or audio to the Show.

**Before installing, it’s important to ensure that you have backups of the files you're replacing, should you wish to uninstall this mod in the future.**

Installation/How to use:
- In order for the Show video/intro to work as desired and intended (if using the version with sound), you need to inject the (No Sound).wem file, with the Sound Editor and replace any track you wish.
- Copy & Paste the selected WrestleMania intro file into your "WWE 2K19\movies\cav" folder. You can rename the "cav" file number to replace any video of your choice, if you wish.
- In the "NEW" or "EDIT" part of Creating a SHOW. For the "SHOW MUSIC" option, select the track that you've replaced with "(No Sound).wem", in the Sound Editor.
- In the "SHOW LOAD" option, select the original intro that you replaced with the downloaded file/s. This will be in the "Elements" tab.


Feel free to use in videos, but please credit me, if you do.
  • Total Views: 2912 (2664 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: Yes
  • Upload Date: April 5, 2020, 9:03 pm
  • Downloads: 151
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