This is a custom SDB file updated with every contracted WWE (including NXT), AEW, and NJPW wrestler and every name change as of January 16th, 2023, including a few alternative name choices. No strings replaced, only strings added.

Names are sorted by promotion, with plenty of empty strings in between each promotion so you can add your own custom strings and keep it organized.

Eventually, I'd like this to be somewhat as comprehensive as the SuperString modders from previous games are familiar with, but for now this only contains wrestler names from the big 3. I already plan to add every wrestler from many other promotions such as Impact, NOAH, AAA and GCW at a later date. Feel free to suggest other promotions I might miss.

Even though 99% of these strings won't be used, this is intended to be a helpful shortcut of sorts for people new to WWE 2K mods or those starting from scratch.

Drop the ENG.sdb file in _mods/SDB and bake. This WILL overwrite any changes you've made to your SDB, so backup your old SDB if necessary. Any wrestler name from the promotions above can be found using the search function in the SDB editor included with Meta or CakeTools.