ArenaLightPorter is a tool designed to seamlessly transfer lighting setups from WWE 2K22 and 2K23 to WWE 2K24. It ports LightObject.jsfbs and other .jsfb files that contain lighting setups (e.g., floor, ceiling). Please note that while it’s an ideal solution for porting lights, other data in these files, such as linked objects (e.g., floor.mdl, mtls), will not be transferred. Once ported, these files will only retain the lighting data, and you won’t be able to manually add the missing data back. This tool is useful for anyone looking to maintain consistent lighting when porting from previous generation games, without the hassle of manual adjustments.
If you encounter any issues while using it, please let me know, as it’s still in the experimental stage.
(Nb: Do Not Port Multiple Jsfbs in one Session . means if you have multiple jsfbs to port , first port one then close the application then relaunch it again to port the next one  do the same for rest otherwise it will not work)
  • Total Views: 727 (727 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K24
  • Category: TOOL
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: August 31, 2024, 5:22 pm
  • Downloads: 68
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