Kurt Angle 2001 and 2006 Nameplate pack

This contains two versions of the nameplate
Version 1  for Kurt Angle '06 - Nameplate with gold medal and eagle
Version 2 for Kurt Angle '06 - Nameplate with just flag and name

Version 1  for Kurt Angle '01 - Nameplate with gold medal, and stars
Version 2 for Kurt Angle '01 - Nameplate with just flag and name

(This nameplate does not replace any other nameplate, it will only be displayed when using Kurt Angle in his respective slots which are (Slot 105) & (Slot 375)


-Open up the 7z file and choose which version you want ( the pac folders are in the dedicated named folders called Kurt Angle '01 and Kurt Angle '06)
-Copy/paste the 'pac' folder in your WWE 2K19 directory.

If you want to uninstall it, just delete the file or files if you both Nameplates for both of kurt's slots from your nameplates folder
Enjoy more nameplates soon ;)
  • Total Views: 1556 (1447 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: Yes
  • Upload Date: May 13, 2020, 5:35 pm
  • Downloads: 198
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