This mod is a collab with Veliction. He ported the textures and I did the rest. Thanks to RevONiKO for the original 2K20 files.

Main goal for this mod is to complement the amazing Greg Hamilton announcer voice mod made by STi. You can find it here:

Update: Here is a pofo file to fix the height. Inject it in character slot 559.

If you use my mod in any video showcase credit me.

DM me on discord at refat#2103 for any game model ports, characters, attire and render commissions.
  • Total Views: 7499 (6861 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: CHARACTER
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: October 31, 2020, 11:38 am
  • Downloads: 3359
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