
UPDATE 10/18/24 - Added support for patch 122

I have compiled a superstring to make everyone's life easier. This is an edited string file that adds tons of strings to have some synchronization between everyone's game when it comes to things like wrestler names, arenas, and belts. There are also lots of empty strings that you can use to add new strings for things that may not already be there.

To install all you need to do is bake the folder that is included.

To edit these strings you need an SDB Editor that can be found in the PWM Discord.
Or Meta which can be found here.
  • Total Views: 22007 (22007 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K24
  • Category: RESOURCE
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: May 17, 2024, 3:03 am
  • Downloads: 7692
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