The Dudley Boyz '02 - '05 Titantron video
Contains all 3 Titantron variants:
- version 1: 1280x320 (RAW)
- version 2: 960x320 (SmackDown)
- version 3: 640x640 (Old Tron)

Either inject via CCT or replace and overwrite.

Also includes the Dudley Boyz's 4th WWE entrance theme ("Drop the Bombshell" by Powerman 5000)
(Inject with Sound Editor 2019)

**Before installing, it’s important to ensure that you have backups of the files you're replacing, should you wish to uninstall this mod in the future.**
  • Total Views: 1929 (1823 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: Yes
  • Upload Date: May 10, 2020, 7:20 pm
  • Downloads: 421
  • Tags: