If used in social medias, please leave credits and link back to this page.
Do not reupload without my permission.

Thanks to Elg for sending me 1080p reference screenshots of various graphics.

There are 2 methods to install this mod, an easy install (recommended) or a manual install:
For the easy install you first need to download the 'WWE 2K19 Unpacked Arena Graphics' mod.
For the manual install you will need PAC Editor.

-If it's not done yet, download the 'Unpacked arena graphics' mod on 2KM.
-In mega.nz, open the 'Easy Install' folder and download every folders. (You don't need to download the 'movies' and 'Theme Song' folders if you already have installed the RAW 2020 Graphics Pack)
-Copy and paste the 'pac' and 'movies' folders into your WWE 2K19 folder.
-Installation instructions for the theme song are in the 'Theme Song' folder.

-In mega.nz, open the 'Manual Install' folder and download all of the folders. (Except the 'Intro' and 'Theme Song' folders  if you already have installed the RAW 2020 Graphics Pack) The instructions are in each folders.

• If you need help or want to report an issue:
-Send me a PM on discord. (See Fusion#7393)
  • Total Views: 12479 (10943 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: August 8, 2020, 11:00 am
  • Downloads: 4237
  • Tags:

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