Character Pack 2 is here, and it contains much more characters from Various Games and it includes

Locust Trooper (Gears of War)
Vin Diesel (Wheelman)
Counterstrike Soldier (Counter Strike Series)
Drax (GOTG)
Zombie (Resident Evil)
Shark Boy (TNA Game)
Suicide (TNA Game)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Note: Some of the characters don't appear in the highlight reel. (Don't know how to fix that yet) and it's best to turn off the action cameras because some tend to disappear during a high impact move.
  • Total Views: 2338 (2338 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K22
  • Category: PACKS
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: August 15, 2022, 6:43 am
  • Downloads: 335
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