SWERVE STRICKLAND '24 AEW GFX (pre-Double or Nothing) created by Bobot.

Whose House? This is a Swerve Strickland '24 GFX mod for WWE 2K24 and WWE 2K23. Make sure to read the READ ME! file. 

- Comes with two Stage_ThunderDomeNXT files, one for Titavius' Dynamite '23 / Collision '23 (works on all arenas regardless) and one specifically for Titavius' Dynamite '24 (and Dynasty '24; do NOT use this version on other arenas)
- Optional (but recommended) theme Big Pressure (Remix) with "Whose House?" intro is available in the Theme folder.

- Thumbnail features previews from both 2K23 and 2K24. Screenshots were NOT taken by me.

WWE 2K19 GFX version available here.

Arenas used in the previews are made by Titavius.
Swerve Strickland mod used in the thumbnail is made by Grix.
Huge thanks to RobotSpider24, masonry4000, and eastdakota_ for helping test this mod out and providing screenshots for the thumbnail.
Special thanks to eastdakota_ for providing me with the intro and nameplate for the titantron.

If you need to contact me: bobot1 on Discord.
Credit me when showcasing (check READ ME!)