TRIBUTE 2.0 is here!!

Update Notes:
  • Added feature to edit previously created slots (this will edit their profile data in file and in memory)
  • Added feature to unlock managers as playable (this will edit their profile data in file and in memory)
  • Included ability to unlock Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury through Unlock Manager option, and it will also add render support for them (renders included)
  • Migrated to new GUI framework for improved visuals
  • Optimised BulkData import feature, to increase speed
  • Slots created with the auto-assign feature will now be saved in SaveData.txt with their assigned slot ID rather than just "0"
  • Fixed crashing and issues with slots beyond the first 49, so now all 139 slots should work
  • Fixed issues with certain hometown IDs crashing the game

Important Info (YOU MUST READ THESE):
  • (MUST READ) To use Manager Unlocker and Edit Slot features your game must be running, and after using the tool you must perform an in-game save, close your game, bake the newly edited bakeme folder, and then run the game again. If you don't do this it could break things! I highly recommend watching the video tutorials I've made on this.
  • Manager Unlocker and Edit Slot features cannot be run on completely new saves. If starting a new save, run the game, make an in-game save by editing a wrestler and saving, and then close and re-run the game. Then you can use tribute to unlock managers and edit slots. (The reason being is that until you save and re-open the game, certain slots won't have universe slot data yet)

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  • Total Views: 2397 (2397 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K24
  • Category: TOOL
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: July 2, 2024, 6:08 pm
  • Downloads: 665
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