A Mashup tron including the Undertale inspired video that Kenny Omega used at Wrestle Kingdom 13 vs Tanahashi.

Inject the .bk2 file using CCT 2019 (you can use it in all three of the 0, 1, and 2 slots if you wish), and inject the .wem file using Sound Editor 2019 to replace whichever theme you want.

You will need to set up an advanced entrance to get the full-screen effect -- I've included my .moveset file that you can inject to your Kenny Omega mod using CCT (It's in slot 492 but you can change that using Data Editor if you have him in a different slot) that has the advanced intro set up already. Otherwise, you can build it out yourself.

If you have any questions drop a comment on the 2KModz page. You can also DM me on Smacktalks Forums (cosmiccryptid) or on Discord (cosmicfox#0042)

Kenny Omega WK13 Character Mod, Mini/Wall/Apron/Ramp Tron Mod, and Tokyo Dome Arena Mod by Hanleys:

Kenny Omega WK13 Titantron Edit by RossDog:

Hopes & Dreams/Save The World Cover used at WK13 was created by GaMetal:
  • Total Views: 2268 (2132 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: February 23, 2020, 10:19 pm
  • Downloads: 386
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