Charlotte Flair in her 2K17 attire.
- Fully usable in Creation Suit.
- Skintone fixed.
- Crystals added to the face (like in 2K20 version)
- Enhanced face textures.
- Haircolor fixed.
- Attire material fixed.
- Renders included.

Note: In order to make her 2K19 entrance robe to not appear on her entrance, you'll need squaredcirclefan's patch included on the entrances ports pack


Extra Thanks
- squaredcirclefan for the patch

Special Thanks:
- Hollywood RipZz
- VelveteenBreeze
- LynchReborn/Lynch
- Dr.mashup
- Coach
- Mark/Rampage
- CAW Life
- HovaThaGod32

And everyone else that helped me in the process.