Mickie James from WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 2009.
- Attire from SVR 2009.
- Entrance attire (jacket) included.
- Custom hairstyle.
- Renders included.
- Usable in Creation Suit.*

*You can't add hair clothing properly. Aside that, works perfectly in CAS.


Special Thanks:
- Hollywood RipZz
- VelveteenBreeze
- LynchReborn/Lynch
- Dr.mashup
- Coach
- Mark/Rampage
- CAW Life
- HovaThaGod32
And everyone else that helped me in the process.

Please, if you want to showcase this mod, leave a link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3dXyPj5TyOcsHSwssEN3g/videos