This mod enables male and female characters (including CAW's) to be selected for all match types. 
No need to change gender of female characters (including female CAW's) to play intergender matches. 

Here are a few points to take note of  :
Females can't compete for male titles but males can compete for female titles. But Avoid this as if the male character wins the title, it wouldn't be selectable.
The Game engine will not automatically book males vs females in tournament mode or Universe mode, however you can manually set a Male vs Female match in Universe mode with the Match Editor.
It is best to play matches with DQ disabled by default as you can't toggle DQ in Universe mode.

TIP : If you want to set a Male and a female character as a tag team , you will need to set the team in Data Editor and inject into the game. You can then set a team entrance .

1. Open the misc01_start_p30.pac file in Pac Editor
The misc01_start_p30.pac file is located in the 2k19\mods\universalattireunlocker\pac\root folder if you have CCT installed.
This is the copy you need to inject over. If not, the unmodified copy of this file is located in the pac\root folder.
This file also holds data for alternate attires so do create a backup and be careful you don't  inject into the wrong data file

2. Click on the 2ABC.....pac file so you can view it's component  data files.
 The  0005.dat holds data for alternate attires. Do not mistakenly inject into this file or you will lose your attire information.

3. Highlight the 0008.dat and select INJECT FILE.  Inject the 0008.dat file over it.
4. Highlight the 0009.dat and select INJECT FILE. inject the 0009.dat file over it
Launch your game .
Additional details can be found inside the zip.
If you have further questions or issues, kindly send me a PM on the discord.
  • Total Views: 23539 (21038 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: MISC
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: July 4, 2020, 6:04 am
  • Downloads: 3074
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