This mod enables you to use entrance and gameplay commentary for removed 2k22 superstars in 2k23. The superstar-specific commentary files have to be copied over from the wwe2k22 files if you have the game. THE BNKPCK file has been updated for v1.17-1.22 Alternatively, you can download the pck files to be copied over from this link CHANGES FOR 1.16 AND 1.17. The developers removed the data for the removed 2k22 superstars commentary in the 1.16 DLC patch so it no longer works by default. The only way it works now is by replacing some of the data files with those from patch 1.15. Doing this will remove the entrance commentary for the 5 Bad News U Superstars pack. However the gameplay commentary will still work as it was added in 1.15.
The commentary ID's for the removed 2k22 superstars have to be assigned to the slots where you have placed the mods for the commentary to work. This can be done manually in the charprofiletable.roster file or using Meta2.
Here is a link to the commentary ID's for the removed 2k22 superstars.
NEW INSTRUCTIONS : Click on the download link below 1. copy and paste the 3 pck files in the WWE2K23\sound folder in this mod into your own sound folder(backup the 3 files in your sound folder first)2.Copy and paste the Audio folder into your mods folder and bake. 3. Additionally you can download the DLC commentary files included by pasting this link in your browser. the 3 DLC-Lines files in the WWE2K23 \sound folderThis will enable commentary for the 2K22 characters Mr T, Sarray, Machine Gun Kelly and A-Kid which were previously not included in the mod. If you require further information or encounter any issues, feel free to hit me up on the discord.