This mod contains what in my opinion are the best songs of every smackdown vs raw game. So if you are sick and tired of the shit soundtrack provided by 2k this is the mod for you.
To install this mod all you have to do is drag and drop all of the folders I provided to your WWE 2K22 directory. 

These are the songs i picked 
Taking You Down by Egypt Central. replaces "BOOKER T"
Stitches by Allele. replaces "hollywood sucks"
the angle by core. replaces -"The Final Episode"
you're going down by sick puppies. replaces "Typhoons"
riot by three days grace. replaces Body Bag 
hero by skillet. replaces Heartless - The Weeknd
firefly by breaking benjamin. replaces concert for aliens
when worlds collide by powerman 5000. replaces Iron Fist - Motörhead
monster by skillet. replaces Happy Song - Bring Me The Horizon
animal i've become by three days grace. replaces I don't Wanna Be Blind - Turnstile
alone by zebrahead. replaces Protect Ya Neck - Wu Tang Clan
pieces by the dark day. replaces Say Cheese - Poppy (Live NXT version)
  • Total Views: 1322 (1322 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K22
  • Category: SOUND
  • Upload Date: August 11, 2022, 3:44 pm
  • Downloads: 319
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