This is a tool that can generate mass number of profiles with a click based on a given json file and handles both custom wrestlers and wrestlers within game bases while keeping all their info outside of the sheet edits. It is meant to be used with Hype/DC project sheet or your own edits but just need to be formatted in the included template csv. There is some manual work to get profiles generated but saves all the hard work of manually entering the information from these types of sheets. Please be sure to read the included README so you format the csv correctly before converting otherwise you will just run into errors. The profiles generated are meant to be used with Meta 2 and can be imported and edited inside Meta 2. Figured I would post for those that want to make their own edits or have their own sheets.
  • Total Views: 6590 (6590 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K23
  • Category: TOOL
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: June 7, 2023, 4:42 am
  • Downloads: 894
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