I tried to re create that Classic SVR GM Mode feel

(This goes great with the Ruthless Aggression Mod of mine)

- I didnt know which ppvs logos to add, I did not  replace (Hell In A Cell, Payback & TLC) if you have ideas hit me up than I can maybe do it

Just copy it over in the mods folder and bake it as 8

I noticed the Ruthless Aggression Menu mod is Trending on Tiktok & YT
If you feel to create a tiktok or Yt video feel free, just mention me #ctx14
  • Total Views: 2582 (2582 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K22
  • Category: INTERFACE
  • Steam Required: No
  • Upload Date: September 16, 2022, 10:13 pm
  • Downloads: 229
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