(Update: Minitron for RAW '11 and Smackdown '09 is fixed!)

This is a GFX and theme replacement for Danhausen in WWE 2K22!

CakeTools is needed to install this mod, you can learn how to install WWE 2K22 mods here! > https://wiki.prowrestlingmods.io/books/wwe-2k22/page/installing-your-first-mod

Place the "_mods" folder from the ZIP into the root of your WWE 2K22 folder, and bake with CakeTools!
If you want to replace another Superstar's GFX, rename the folders accordingly to the one you want to replace.
Import the .wem theme to whichever's Superstar theme you want to replace!

If you use this mod for a video, please credit me, either by name, social media, etc.!
Twitter: @pabloscornerr
YouTube: PablosCorner
Ko-Fi: PablosCorner
  • Total Views: 2387 (2387 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K22
  • Category: GFX
  • Steam Required: Yes
  • Upload Date: June 16, 2022, 9:19 pm
  • Downloads: 445
  • Tags:



