Hi,guys,i collected some Superstar Photos in WWE2K5,Its packaged as PNG format,You can use the PNG file to create DDS file for renders.
all of file belong to WWE2K15.
The renders must have a right size. Both should be 1024 x 1024 Or 512 x 512 for 2k19. the image in the render also needs to be resized.When you export as dds , you need to select NO MINIMAPS and use the DXT3 or DXT 5 (interpolated alpha or explicit alpha).Both sizes will be 1025kb if done correctly.
the Original link is here :https://www.thesmackdownhotel.com/
  • Total Views: 3378 (3145 total unique)
  • Game: WWE 2K19
  • Category: RESOURCE
  • Steam Required: Yes
  • Upload Date: 2019/05/01
  • Downloads: 462
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