Bulk Images to/from DDS Converter:
By Waldoocs
**Update 27 June**
*-Added support for converting From DDS to JPG,PNG,WebP,TIF,TIFF
*-Bug fixes
*-Renamed application to ToFromDDS.exe

1. Extract the zip file to a location on your computer.
2. Run and install ImageMagick-7.1.1-33-Q16-HDRI-x64-dll
3. ToFromDDS.exe to run the application.
4. Choose if you want to convert to DDS or from DDS

If you want to convert from DDS to JPG,PNG,WebP,TIF,TIFF:
1. Choose output format 1-5 (JPG,PNG,WebP,TIF,TIFF)
2. Choose input directory
3. Choose if you want to include subfolders
4. Choose output directory

If you want to convert from JPG,PNG,WebP,TIF,TIFF to DDS:
1. Choose between filetypes 1-16 (JPG,PNG,WebP,TIF,TIFF)
2. Choose image compression type
3. Choose choice of mipmaps
4. Choose input directory
5. Choose if you want to include subfolders
6. Choose output directory

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